With summer fast approaching, all of us in established relationships may be facing one of the biggest relationship landmarks – “The Road-trip” It may seem to be a fun getaway with your loved one but road-trips can be a trying experience for any relationship. In fact – a road-trip is like a marriage but on an intense short term scale. If you are planning a road-trip with your sweetie this summer check out our list of 8 ways a Road-trip is like a Marriage.
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Do’s and Don’ts for Dating in 2019
At the beginning of every year we as people should evaluate what our goals are and how we hope to achieve them going forward, this applies to our love lives as well. If you have been seeking a long term relationship for a while without success it may be due to ingrained beliefs and dating mechanics you are employing that are outdated. Here is our 2019 list of do’s and don’ts to help you find love this year.
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